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Naviena Selvarajah | 11:49, 27 Mar 2021
I came to faith in Jesus two years ago, in London, where I am from. Looking back, I didn't know much about Christianity growing up, besides what I had learnt in RE lessons at school.
It was during a conversation with a Christian friend in early 2019, that I was encouraged to watch The Case for Christ and to start reading the bible. The Case for Christ is a film based on the real story of an award-winning American Journalist, Lee Strobel. Following his wife becoming a Christian, being a sceptic, Lee did tonnes of research to disprove the resurrection of Jesus. However, he himself ended up trusting in Jesus as his saviour, after discovering that all the evidence pointed to it.
Personally, it shocked me that Jesus dying and being raised as the Son of God was true, historical fact. I still didn't understand why he died, but I was convinced that this miracle really did happen.
... I was just gripped by this claim and it compelled me to want to look into Jesus with a sense of urgency
I remember a specific claim in the film, a quotation of C. S. Lewis; 'If Christianity is false, it's of zero importance, but if it's true, there's nothing more important in the entire universe.' By God's grace, I was just gripped by this claim and it compelled me to want to look into Jesus with a sense of urgency.
At the same time, I was put in touch with a women's worker at a church in London and we started reading Mark's gospel together, once a week in a coffee shop. Mark's gospel is an eye-witness account of Jesus' life. Not only did it reveal why Jesus had died, but it also highlighted the warped view I had of God and of myself.
I thought I was right with God. But reading Mark's gospel exposed my heart for what it really is
Formerly a Hindu and raised in a Hindu family, I believed in God as a higher, spiritual force. I thought God was a provider of good things on this earth and that I could get right with him or her by being a morally good and religious person. In fact, I thought I was right with God. But reading Mark's gospel exposed my heart for what it really is; defiled with pride, greed and contempt, to say the least.
So left to myself, I saw I could never be good enough for God. It was sobering that although God made me, like us all, to live in relationship with him as our father, I was actually living in rejection of him and rightly deserved his eternal punishment. In this way, God graciously opened my eyes to see my need for the forgiveness that only Jesus offers. He softened my heart to accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, who died my death on the cross so I can have eternal peace with God.
The love of Jesus still amazes me
The love of Jesus still amazes me, how he drew near to me and died for me, all the while knowing my unworthiness and rejection of him. I love that even now; I can know the God of the universe relationally as my father in Heaven through his word in the bible. I'm so thankful that God is changing the desires of my heart to want to love him more and I pray I can live each day with Jesus as my King.
Listen to Naviena share this in her own voice:
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