Nexus & Nexus Plus

"We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end we labour, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in us." Colossians 1 v 28-29

Nexus is our student small group Bible study, 6.30pm on Tuesdays, once a week, term time!

The evening consists of a meal together, a Bible study in small groups and a time to pray and worship together, as well as an opportunity to catch up with friends and leaders. All of this takes place in the Highfields Church building. There will be someone to welcome you in the foyer of the church and show you where to go!


Nexus is a good way to meet up with other students from different campuses and universities. It also provides a great place for you to ask your questions and see how the Bible can be applied directly and clearly to our lives on campus. Many students find the small groups to be a good opportunity to build meaningful relationships with fellow students and with the Nexus leaders.  

Nexus - Dalton Street

Once a term we have 'Nexus Plus', which is a chance for us to stop in the middle of the study series to look at something more topical and situational. This normally takes the form of a seminar where we can discuss how the Bible relevantly speaks into this area of our lives or culture.   



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A few more things...
  • If you're an international student then there's a whole range of stuff specifically for you as you try to deal with the added pressures, frustrations and difficulties of trying to get your head round everything that's Welsh and British!
  • If you're wanting to meet other Christians at your uni and to share the gospel with those around, then why not check out your university's Christian Union?  UCCF has a link up page where you can get in touch with your local CU.
  • Are you wondering what to do when you graduate?!  How about being a ministry intern at Highfields for a year?!