About Highfields
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"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it" (1 Corinthians 12:27)
While you're at university, we want you to make the most of your time and share the gospel of Jesus with your coursemates and housemates. We also want you to be able to use your God-given gifts to serve in the Christian Unions and at Highfields so if you have some time and would like to get involved with some of the many ministries that happen throughout the week at Highfields, just get in touch! Helping with a ministry is great opportunity to get to know non-students in the church as you serve alongside each other.
If you're stuck for what to do, here are some ideas:
(deep breath ...) - website and publicity, working with older people in the community, PA, PPT and sound desk, pre-school, music, childrens, youth, office admin, internationals, stewarding, homeless work ... the list goes on. Look on the website for a run down of the different ministries at Highfields and more info on them.
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