Books on Bookstall
The following books were available on the bookstall at the time of the review
- Book: The Life You Never Expected
- Thriving While Parenting Special Needs Children
- Book: The Dignity Revolution
- A book about human dignity: about the image of God and how it should influence the way we think about the world
- Book: Dig Even Deeper
- Unearthing Old Testament treasure
- When I don't desire God. How to fight for joy.
- Something that we may find hard to admit and even harder to do something about.
- Lit! A Christian guide to reading books
- Only the Bible can give us a correct worldview to read all other books by. We should read EVERYTHING in the light of scripture
- Why bother with church?
- Ends with the question, ‘Why on earth would I not bother with church?’, and by the time you’ve read it, it seems a very reasonable question.
- If God, then what?
- A book you could confidently give to anyone looking for the answers to life’s big questions but who has not yet committed to looking for them in the Christian faith
- Foundations
- Wonderful, deep theology without the sore head
- Foreign to familiar
- A guide to understanding Hot- and Cold-Climate cultures
- My Rock My Refuge
- A year of daily devotions taken from the Book of Psalms
- True Friendship
- For me, one of the highlights of the book was the way it encouraged us to be intentional in strengthening friendships. Meaningful friendships do not just happen, we have to put in hard work and effort.
- The Answer to Our Cry
- Freedom To Live Fully, Love Boldly, And Fear Nothing
- Four Kinds of Christmas
- There are four different ways to approach Christmas – Scrooge, Shopper, Santa and Stable.
- The Intolerance of Tolerance
- Generally accessible and informative, definitely a recommended book for those interested in modern society and how it impacts and interacts with Christians.
- Finding Truth
- 5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes
- What do you think of me? Why do I care?
- Answers to the Big Questions in Life.
- You can really grow
- If you've ever felt like you 'ought' to be growing but wondered where to start, or felt a twinge of guilt or a pang of regret that you're not growing in your relationship with Jesus the way you once were, this book will really help you.
- Invest your suffering: unexpected intimacy with a loving God
- A book that deals honestly and carefully with the painful and perplexing experience of suffering.
- Everyday Prayers
- 365 Days to a Gospel-Centred Faith
- Creation, Power and Truth
- The gospel in a world of cultural confusion
- Honest Evangelism
- How to talk about Jesus even when it's tough
- Fully Alive
- A biblical vision of gender that frees men and women to live beyond stereotypes
- True Paradox
- The author sets out to discuss a number of key paradoxes in our shared human experience, and aims to show how the Christian proposition explains those paradoxes better than the competing world views.
- Just Do Something
- A liberating approach to finding God's will.
- Recovering Redemption
- A gospel-saturated perspective on how to change
- Counterfeit gods
- Keller illustrates how idols manifest in society and in our own lives.
- Questioning the Bible - 11 major challenges to the Bible's authority
- It’s the kind of book that any of us might want to read in order to form a realistic opinion on the reliability of the Bible
- Extreme Righteousness
- Seeing ourselves in the Pharisees.
- The God I don't understand
- Wright’s helpful examination of some... key questions of faith only serves to increase the Christian’s confidence in the ultimate goodness and grace of God.
- King's Cross - The Story of the World in the life of Jesus
- Life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the central events of cosmic and human history.
- William Grimshaw of Hawarth
- Reveals the Lord’s intimate dealings with someone who was so very ordinary and earthy yet became a mighty man of God in Yorkshire and beyond
- Saving Leonardo
- Saving Leonardo - a call to resist the secular assault on mind, morals and meaning.
- Rebuilding your broken world
- The story of one man's fall from grace in terms of a moral failure which threatened to destroy his whole ministry and future
- Total Forgiveness
- Total Forgiveness isn't just the title of the book, it's the whole concept that Kendall is seeking to communicate. Total Forgiveness holds nothing back, holds no grudges, doesn't bring that thing up again, and basically, is a bit of a risk.
- Broken Down House
- We have been created and called by God for more than survival. We have been called to be actively involved in the restoration that is at the heart of God’s plan of redemption. This book that reminds us that while we live in a place damaged by sin, we don’t have to be discouraged or depressed; we can live productively in this broken world.
- The Papa Prayer
- If you are tired of a dull, routine, lifeless prayer life, if you are stirred by the idea of actually relating to God and being changed by Him in prayer, rather than presenting a shopping list, read The PAPA Prayer.
- God's Big Picture
- Tracing the storyline of the Bible
- Serving without Sinking
- If you are feeling worn out, frustrated or bitter about ministry, take some time to read this and re-think your service in light of the gospel. It’s joy not duty which is the great fuel for service and we find it in Jesus, the one who serves us.
- You Can Change
- This book gently takes you through a biblical understanding of why we sin, why we should want to change and how that process of change is rooted in faith and a desire to glorify God above all else.
- Bible Overview
- Most evangelical Christians will agree that the Bible is all about Jesus but Levy takes that a little bit further and states that we actually see Jesus in the Old Testament more than you think.
- Getting your kids through church without them ending up hating God
- The problem Parsons sets out to deal with is the number of young people who leave church as soon as they can. He believes that in this they are not turning their back on God but rather what we have presented to them as church
- Calm My Anxious Heart: a woman's guide to finding contentment
- We struggle with anxiety so if you want to try to win that struggle in God’s strength by identifying and changing what’s at the heart of the problem then read this book!
- Scandalous
- Don Carson in his own dynamic way opens up the historic events, which took place over one weekend in Jerusalem about two thousand years ago and considers their significance.
- A Resilient Life
- Behind all the story-telling the author brings out valuable lessons in preparing to finish well in the Christian life
- That Distant Land: Collected Short Stories
- A collection of short stories, written by a Christian. The author's gentle, reflective style of writing presents the idea that, in God's eternal present, all the best of these passing ages is preserved, valued and celebrated.
- Hope has its Reasons: The Search to Satisfy Our Deepest Longings
- A book that challenges the agnostic and the believer alike to acknowledge the truth of the human heart.
- The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict
- An extremely helpful work that is a must-read for everyone involved in conflict resolution - and as you will soon discover when reading this book, that is not only something to be left for the 'experts', but is also the ministry of every disciple of Jesus.
- Does God believe in Atheists?
- This book seeks to identify and address the problems of being an atheist.
- A meal with Jesus
- Food matters. Meals matter. Meals are full of significance – not just for us, but for God too.
- The good news of Luke
- Revolving around the central character, Jesus, Luke presents his 'orderly account of the things that have been fulfilled among us' to his friend, Theo.
- Let the Nations be Glad!
- Missions exists because worship doesn't. Worship is both the fuel and goal of missions. How can we proclaim "Let the nations be glad and rejoice in God!" to others until we first say to ourselves "I delight in the Lord!"?
- John MacArthur - Servant of the Word and Flock
- A biography of John MacArthur. A human story, including the shaping of his youth, the strength of marriage and family, the refining influences of trials and controversies and the building of a man whose staff have never known him to be angry.
- A Praying Life
- This is a book that has helped me pray. The key is learning to pray like children. This is really the big idea of the book – Jesus teaches us to pray to our Father, and understanding what that means will shape our hearts and free us to talk to Him and know Him better.
- Suffering Well: the predictable surprise of Christian suffering
- Paul Grimmond helpfully unpacks what we mean by suffering. We are inclined to weigh up degrees of suffering... Grimmond makes the point that comparisons are unnecessary, what matters are our values about suffering.
- The Radical Disciple
- A book for all seasons, this book represents the wisdom and experience of a long life, lived in the service of Christ. There are very few books like this which provide such a distilled wealth of Christian learning.
- God, Sex and Marriage: Guidance from 1 Cor 7
- Sex and marriage. Singleness. Divorce and separation. Who to marry and when. It's all covered in June's Book of the Month.
- Cross-Examined - the life changing power of the death of Jesus
- Our book of the month for May will help anyone who wants a deeper understanding of the meaning and significance of the cross of Christ.
- A Voice in the Wind
- 'A Voice in the Wind' is set in 1st Century Jerusalem, Rome and Ephesus. The story opens in 70AD during the sacking of Jerusalem...
- Stop Dating the Church, Fall in love with the Family of God
- Joshua Harris’ main aim is to challenge the consumerist, self centred, critical attitude so many of us unconsciously, or even deliberately, carry into our local church, which sadly results in many believers (and pastors) giving up on a commitment to a local congregation.
- Pathway to Jesus, Crossing the thresholds to faith
- Originally titled “I Once Was Lost”, the re-branding of this book to a positive expression of a journey to faith cannot add to the already outstanding content.
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